Interview Series: Lizzie Somabut

Interview Series: Lizzie Somabut

We met at Royal Blue Grocery after it took us several polite rounds of back and forth deciding where to meet. This wasn’t out first meeting; Lizzie and I went to high school together. But, I was determined to make this as easy for her as I could. Not many people are rearranging their schedules for interviewers with 400 followers (anyone else a fan of self-deprecating humor?).

Lizzie is pioneering the wellness coaching world in Dallas. She has a masters in counseling and has since discovered her calling is coaching. She wants us to focus on the present and help create plans to live the life we want.

We discuss self-care, putting your damn phone down (guilty), monthly intentions, anxiety, books, recipes, and so much more. Enjoy!

Drunk Girls in the Bathroom Questions
Top 3 superficial self-care practices: baths, massages, manicures

Morning drink: dirty chai, celery juice, add-ins like
Spirulina and all things Sun Potion
Fave Dallas restaurants: Eatzis, Pok, La Duni (the salad trio)
Where can we find you working out: Soul Cycle, Session, VIVE, or Class Studios
Dream vacation: Lizzie and her boyfriend are taking a gap year and traveling, the world
Guilty pleasure: dessert
Wellness trends you love and trends you are ready to say goodbye to: Love/limited screen time (no screen 30 minutes after waking up & there’s a new alert you can set on iPhones that will send an alert when you’ve been on for a certain amount of time- genius!) Goodbye/all the face masks

Favorite books? Women Code by Alisa Vitti, all about hormones, practical information even for gals on birth control & The Medical Medium & Keto-Tarian by Will Cole is up next.

Recipe blog go to? The Defined Dish and Rachel Mansfield.

Best Instas to follow? Lee From America, Rachael Good Eats, and Lil Sipper.

How do you calm anxiety? Essential oils (lavender), walking/moving, talking about it with certain people.

Supplements: magnesium, b vitamin, probiotic, ashwagandha.

Combat workout burnout? Stop working out! Let your body rest. Research cycle syncing for time of the month vs intensity of the workout you should do.

Intuitive eating? Be mindful when eating, chew fully, don’t eat in front of the TV, eating until full. Listen to an episode on the Food Psych podcast on intuitive eating.

Fave podcasts? The Influencer Podcast, Food Psych, and The Medical Medium.

How do we remedy burnout in the workplace? Accept that your feelings are not going to go away and this doesn’t associate with failure. Instead bring self-care into your work day: lunch break outside, plan your tomorrow in the last 30 minutes of your day, listen to a fun playlist.

How do we start being real with ourselves and and doing the hard work? Self-awareness, figure out exactly what you need to resolve. Put your phone down so you can reflect and make a plan.

What is self-compassion? Accepting and forgiving yourself. Take away the blame you are putting on yourself. Read/ Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself By Kristin Neff

Why set monthly intentions? Give yourself 30 days to keep focus and see what you can accomplish. Ask yourself what do I want to solve or remedy? What can I fix?

When social media and the comparison game become too much? Remember your purpose and what your calling is. What else do you have to focus on? Remember that “comparison is the theft of joy.”

I’m so appreciative to Lizzie for meeting up with me! I loved hearing her take on the wellness world and especially self-care. You can connect with her on Instgram @lizziesomabut and check out her coaching packages on her website

xx, Kalain

Happy Thanks-keto-giving!

Happy Thanks-keto-giving!

If you’re trying to keep the holidays one hundred this year I’ve rounded up a few tricks to eat and drink clean-ish!


Load up on the turkey. Its a clean protein that will fill you up and alleviate any cravings or rounds 3 & 4. Next comes turkey’s BFF gravy. It’s traditionally made with flour, or cornstarch, or a cream. Spices and herbs could be a great flavor replacement.

If you are in charge of contributing one of the dishes of the evening you could take on the stuffing or cranberry sauce and elevate it a bit. Stuffing doesn’t have to be majority carbs. Bring a grain-free stuffing and see if you can convert some family members. On to the cranberry sauce, monk fruit and orange zest can add a sweet taste to hold off on the white sugar. If you are trying to be mindful, cranberries contain sugar on their own + the amount you have to add, so if you’re not attached, save your sugar in take for a dessert or wine, or both.

And don’t troll me for this one, I’ve almost come to like cauliflower mash better than mashed potatoes. Something about it is lighter and maybe holds flavor better? I don’t know! But, I do know that it is the easiest Thanksgiving prank to play on yourself. Jazz it up with Kite Hill “cream cheese” or Kerrygold butter; there are so many recipes and I’ve linked one here.

One easy way to make sure you get enough fiber on this merry day? Bring a salad! This one by Ina Garten would be perfect; it has a yummy autumn tone.

Last but never least, dessert. No one says no to more desserts. So, if there is a delicious grain-free, or gluten-free, refined sugar-free dessert you have in mind, bring it! I’m making Rachel Mansfield’s paleo pumpkin chocolate cupcakes, you can find the recipe here and so many other options.



Have you heard about natural or biodynamic wine yet? I come from a long line of wine drinkers; so I’ve done a few years of taste testing, and people say we have no talent (trademark Kris Jenner)! I’ve gotten more conscious about the ingredients I eat and in turn it has spilled over into what I drank (the alcohol version of drink). 

We started dabbling in organically farmed wine, organic wine, and now biodynamic, which is like the mystical Ivy League version of organic. Some will say it’s a little “earthy”, but simply put it is a holistic way of wine agriculture

My best advice is to find an organic wine & liquor store in your city. If you are in Dallas, Bar & Garden is you new nirvana. This way you can detail your normal pallet and how much you’d like to spend and they can use their expertise.

My thought process is this: how many grocery stores and liquor stores carry Educated Guess or Meiomi? I guess every damn Tom Thumb or Kroger! So they are definitely adding something in to the wine! If you shop small batch wine or organic/biodynamic wine you can feel good about being bad. Be a chic lush and research into what you’re drinking, the wine maker, the region, the philosophy (and I promise you don’t have to spend a ton!). 

I apologize for the wine nerd rant! But, save your hangover and holiday conversation from politics and fam drama, drink bio and be merry!


One thing my sister Averey and I found was that you can make a good, “normal” simple syrup with monk fruit. Make it yourself and enjoy an elevated cocktail that’s not bogged down with sugar.

If you’re a vodka gal, go Chopin, the potato vodka. This news may sadden the state of Texas, our great claim to fame Titos is made with GMO corn. I’m sorry to do this to you. But, you can also go organic; there are organic vodkas made from grapes. Who knew!

Have a beautiful Thanksgiving! I’m very thankful for my family and friends, perhaps the only people reading these at the moment. 🙂

xx, Kalain

Tried & Tested: Health-ify Your Ingredients

Tried & Tested: Health-ify Your Ingredients

It was a Saturday night, 8 PMish, red wine, and Ina Garten’s bolognese simmering on the stove top. Maybe I had won that night and Sam Smith was playing, a common musical three-way debate between myself, Brian, and Alexa.

And I struck self proclaimed genius. This recipe was almost completely guilt free, we look to the wine for our indulgences, but I could make one change and it’s now dairy-free/additive-free/etc. One easy recipe substitution, coconut milk for heavy cream. Female Einstein- I know!

And you might be thinking okay that’s not very revolutionary-get a life, but I had realized I could take some of my favorite recipes that had a few ingredients I wasn’t loving, swap it, and I could still enjoy. Replace before remove!

Below I put together common ingredients and the swaps I’ve tested. Take a screen shot and see if you can fix up one of your favorites.


Heavy cream: coconut cream (the can will say coconut milk). Place the can in your refrigerator and the cream and water will separate.

Whipping cream: coconut cream or macadamia milk. You can even make your own macadamia nut milk (1 part nuts + 2 parts water). Macadamia nuts are one of the best nuts to eat; they are not inflammatory and you don’t have to soak the nuts ahead of time because they are low in phytic acid. Making your own milk will also be thicker and contain no additives. Whipping cream and heavy cream are very similar so they are quite interchangeable here for subs.

Buttermilk: you have a couple options here! Mix 1 TBS of ACV or lemon juice with 1 cup of nut milk. Then let it set for 15 minutes at room temperature to thicken. If you’re baking try Cream of Tartar (in the spice section). Use 1.5 teaspoons to one cup of milk, but it’s better to mix it into the dry ingredients as it tends to clump when mixed into liquid. It can give your baked goods the same light and fluffy effect as buttermilk, without vinegar or lemon aftertastes.

Half & Half: Half & Half is the lightest cream in terms of fat percentage. Ripple makes a dairy free half & half that is pea protein based. Also Califa Farms has an option that is dairy free.


White/cane sugar: coconut sugar, date sugar, date paste. These metabolize like any other sugar (slightly lower GI), but they do have the added advantage of minerals and vitamins and are less processed.

Monk fruit is a zero sugar sweetener. It can be used 1:1 in baking and cooking. Just be sure to check the ingredients for additives.

Maple syrup, lucuma, and mesquite (not what you’re thinking) are all lower on the glycemic index (indicates the effect carbs have on a person’s blood glucose level).

Raw, unpasteurized honey has many medicinal benefits, such as regulating hormones and balancing immunity as well as many vitamins.

Yacon syrup is lower in calories than honey and maple syrup because it contains indigestable inulin, which is a probiotic fiber and it cannot be broken down by our bodies so it passes right through.  It is also low on the glycemic index.

Pantry Items

White/wheat flour: I have found success with Bob’s Red Mill Paleo Baking Flour. I have also recently liked cashew flour. You can find it on Amazon or if your in a pinch make it yourself in a food processor; just don’t let it go too long or you’ll have cashew butter.

Cornstarch: arrowroot powder/flour (same thing) or potato starch. These are from plants and vegetables and obviously cornstarch is from corn and unfortunately majority of corm grown is a GMO. Arrowroot is also nutrient rich.

Bread crumbs/panko: I go GF, saves so much sugar.

Tortillas/Chips: Siete.

Pasta: Cappello’s, they have three different noodle types: linguini, lasagna, and gnocchi. I do also like the red lentil pasta as Trader Joes.

Pizza crust: Outer Aisle cauliflower crust, Cappello’s almond flour, or Simple Mills almond flour (might be the easier one to find in more grocery stores; the other two I’ve only seen at Whole Foods or Natural Grocer).

I hope this inspires The Great DWD Baking/Cooking Show! My last bit of advice I’ve learned; if you recipe prep you have time to find certain items in an organic or an all natural brand on Amazon/Whole Foods/Natural Grocers. For example; in Ina’s new cookbook Cook Like A Pro she has a lovely recipe for Roasted Shrimp Cocktail Louis. She calls for Heinz chili sauce and if you check out the ingredients the third one is high fructose corn syrup. If you take time to prepare Organicvillle makes an organic chili sauce with very clean ingredients. Try it with that instead and make sure you have the time to run it down.

Happy cooking!

xx, Kalain






DWD Self-Love Menu

DWD Self-Love Menu

Have you been in one of those emotional places or you’re spiraling a bit and you thought I need a freaking mood change/a vibrational pick me up! Something to snatch me back.

I use to, until recently, find every possible distraction for any emotion that was having an effect on me. I could not sit in an emotion and let my own mind be free. I didn’t want to take myself down a rabbit hole of feelings. That’s painful; lets avoid it.

But, the saying “nothing worth having, comes easy;” it applies here. I had to love myself through my F ups. And that is the real definition of self-love.

The best option on this menu is to feel your way through it.

There is so much magic in honesty.

And then you’re free.

New energy needs room to come in.

I was inspired to make this self-love menu from Amber Lee, The Chakra Girl (she has an amazing podcast). They are hybrids of pausing in your emotions + raising the vibe. You can cook//try new recipes (without the TV on) and be able to communicate within yourself. You can sit at Drybar and do your best thinking. And bonus it feels so good when someone else drys your hair for you, right? (Bonus, good hair for like a week #teamdryshampoo)

I put together 3 levels of self care into a ready to go menu. Are you just chilling at a casual code white or you’re at code red and this shit needs attention?

A gal has to have options. Here they are: DWD Self Love Menu

I hope this keeps you living your most intentional self-loving life. Because we all deserve a damn good one.

xx, Kalain


Prepping & Packing For A Frip (Fun Trip!)

Prepping & Packing For A Frip (Fun Trip!)

This weekend I’m headed south to Austin for one of my best friends’ bachelorette party! This will also be one of the few times a year we get to see the beautiful bride because she now lives in New Zealand; she’s our little kiwi. Plus all of our best friends live in different US cities now too, so it’s extra special! Extra special = let’s party!

In the 80/20 lifestyle, this weekend will be the 20- late nights, tequila//wine, fun dinners and brunches. I want to share how I’ll try to bio-hack my way out of a hangover, drink organic, and nourish my body so I feel great all weekend. No one likes the sloth friend.

I also detailed a few clean beauty preps and how I’ll use my tricks through out the weekend.

Side note: I have to share Camille and Mark’s story because it’s so damn good about following your heart and taking a chance. Choosing love. We all went to Mexico for a girls trip and while laying out on the beach we started talking to a group of three guys by us (obviously cute and normal, not sketchy lol). And after several group tequila shots and Coronas we were long lost best friends and had the time of our lives all week. Fast forward a bit, Mark and Camille kept in touch and fell in love. Oh I should also mention Mark lives in New Zealand and the time difference is 17 hours! From the time they met in Mexico you could tell they were taken with each other. And after 8 months Camille threw caution to the wind and moved to Auckland! She left a hometown she was raised in, a successful job, her family, her friends and choose the love of her life! It doesn’t hurt that Mark is an attractive, tall man with an accent and his own company. 🙂 It’s so inspiring that she just went for it! It’s stories like these that remind us to just bet it all on love. Put all your chips on that one person. What’s the worst that could happen? That chapter ends and you start a new one? A reminder to choose love over fear.

I’ll start with what I’m packing and my beauty prep then I’ll go into how I plan on using it all.


  • My daily supplements: Daily Cleanse by Hum, Rhodiola rosea, Hum’s Uber Energy, Hum’s Wing Man, Hum’s Hair Sweet Hair
  • Glow by Beauty Chef for pro and prebiotics
  • Protein powder: can use at breakfast or snack + bring shaker, helps fight cravings//over eating
  • Protein bars for breakfast if needed or in the car as a snack
  • NAC capsules- it prevents the conversion of alcohol to aldehyde and aldehyde is the primary cause of hangovers// 1 before your first drink, 1 after drinking, 1 in the morning
  • Charcoal capsules- 1 per drink at the end of the night
  • Clean electrolyte packets for water + 4 SmartWaters, one for each morning and night
  • Runa or Bullet Proof coffee- a clean energy drink to pick up the pace after a late night
  • Chlorophyll dropper- liver detoxing, improves digestion, good for skin
  • Selenite wand to sleep and to ground
  • Organic alcohol- drink better, feel better
  • Facial cups- cup away the bloat and swelling
  • Offer and bring a homemade dip/dessert/Siete tortilla chips/Simple Mills gluten-free crackers


  1. Working out: As a cult-like follower of Kelly LeVeque//Be Well by Kelly, I’m trying to follow her advice to do lengthening workouts closer to the trip, like yoga and Pilates
  2. Activated charcoal teeth brushing for a big picture taking weekend
  3. Organic spray tan
  4. Non-toxic eye gels from Honest Hazel
  5. Tinkle- if ya know ya know

My Master Plan


  1. Wake up and have big nutritious smoothie with a lot of greens and healthy fats and fiber
  2. Water and hydrating veggies for the car ride
  3. Water + electrolytes + 1 NAC
  4. Happy Hour cocktail// organic tequila, Topo Chico, lime juice, fresh grapefruit juice topper
  5. Eat, drink, party!
  6. 1 NAC + charcoal pills + water


  1. Water + electrolytes + 1 NAC
  2. Take normal supplements
  3. Protein shake or protein bar for breakfast
  4. Cup face- push away all the bloat and puffiness
  5. Runa or Bullet Proof coffee for energy
  6. Boat time baby! Bring organic tequila and maybe an organic wine. I’m not really feeling beer lately, but if I did, I do go gluten free or Michelob Ultra
  7. Mexican themed dinner catered in! (Their wedding is in Cabo!) Here is where you can bring out anything you were able to make and bring from home. A good dip, a refined sugar free dessert, grain free/corn free tortilla chips, Paleo crackers!
  8. Partyyy!
  9. 1 NAC + charcoal pills + water


Repeat Saturday morning!

My mantra is have all the fun, you can detox it away next week + be prepared and you’ll feel your best all weekend long!

Have fun!

xx, Kalain




My Journey Into Crystals

My Journey Into Crystals

I’m talking a veryyyy beginners journey into crystals. I started learning about healing crystals maybe 6 months ago and I’m just now using and benefiting from them in daily life. So, when you get started, if it doesn’t click right away; you’re in good company!

Okay, crystals are the most “woo woo” Now Age-y thing I struck an interest in. And it definitely required a leap of faith! Astrology I could so easily wrap my head around (the moon effects the tides, easy!) So, this is a bit of a skeptics guide at first.

How the F is a pretty rock seriously going to help me?

Here’s how I came to understand from a favorite book of mine Material Girl, Mystical World: Unlike rocks, crystals’ atomic particles form perfect symmetrical shapes, which is key to their healing properties. Also, like plants they only stop growing once they’ve been cut out of the earth, so perhaps not so inanimate?

And now we get a little geeky. We look to the law of entrainment, which is a physics law discovered in 1665. The basic, universal principal behind entrainment is that any two vibrating bodies will entrain (synchronize) if exposed to each other long enough. So the more you connect with your crystals the more you can synchronize your energy with the high vibration energy of the crystal. Class dismissed!

Okay so now that you know how they work, now can come the fun stuff!

How do I know what crystal to start with?

I’m sure there are tons of different good answers, but the answer I love and have heard the most is to let the crystal find you. Go to your local crystal store and see what attracts you. Perhaps it’s the universe helping you see what you need. You can also go to and take their quiz.

Also, the different crystals hold different healing vibrations. For example, rose quartz is all about love. Use rose quartz to help call in self-love and the love for others; pyrite is the perfect “get it done” crystal to call in wealth and abundance; and clear quartz is your best friend when it comes to manifesting and amplifying. So, you can choose a crystal based on a need you have.

Crystals in the wild.

Now comes the time to become besties with your crystals. They want to work for you. but you have to work too. So, first thing is you give them a job/program your crystal:

  • 1. Cleanse your crystal to start from new. Other people may have touched it and you want it so fresh and so clean clean. There are so many ways to cleanse your crystal; Energy Muse is the most amazing source. I either cleanse it through the smoke of Palo Santo which seems like the simplest/quickest way or I’ll sit them outside in the sun or under a full moon.
  • 2. Program that baby. I start by meditation and come into that safe space of light; that high vibrational place where you can connect with God, your angels, your higher self, whatever serves your spirituality. Then tell your crystal what you need it to do.
  • 3. Say thank you. Thank the universe; you now have this amazing tool at your finger tips.

When you find yourself not tapped into your intentions that give you that high vibration life, your crystals are there programmed to bring you back to your best self.

How I started:

I started with pyrite, clear quartz, rose quartz and selenite. I first set my pyrite to bring abundance to my work life and to go out of my comfort zone. I use clear quartz to amplify my energy; I like to take these on trips with me and I put one in each pocket some days. Rose quartz I programmed to help me call in a gentle type of love for my fiance and our daughter, a love that sees the best. And my selenite wands are my everything! I run it down my body or hold them in my hands and I promise you it is an instant chill. I also sleep with a wand and it’s the best sleep.

What do you do with them daily?

I take them with me and tuck them somewhere on my outfit. I meditate with them. I sleep with them. There are so many rituals you can do to bring in all different energies. This is where you get to customize and make it your own. I use mine as a big constant reminder and to “keep me honest” with my intentions/goals and to keep manifesting, and aspire to be the best version of me I know. And when I’m human and I’m not so great, I can reel it back in.

You can always cleanse your crystals and recharge them with a new intention or job.

Energy Muse is such a good source for reading about crystals and their meanings and rituals. I have their book as well and it’s so grounding and inspirational.

I’d love to know what your crystal rituals are! Give me all the details!

xx, Kalain

I Need a Ritual!

I Need a Ritual!

Does every need for change feel like it comes from a cluster f**k?

Recently I was taking inventory of how I start and end my day and it was everything but poetic. Mornings were sleepy and frazzled with a lack of organization- ugh what a horrible way to set-up your day.

Night time wasn’t much better.  It was basically watch Netflix until I couldn’t keep my eyes open. So, I decided I needed a change and to take back the beginnings and endings to my days because there is so much value and treasure in those moments.

I did a revamp and so far it makes me so much more grounded in my day and soothed at night. Almost like I’ve got something figured out, lol.


  • I started waking up earlier 6-6:15 AM. I am the WORST morning person. I’m not chatty and I really like to be alone, such a treat for my fiance! But when I wake up earlier I have a relaxed amount of time to get what I want and need done with no anxiety.
  • I get a huge glass of room temperature water (better for digestion) and mix in my Glow powder from The Beauty Chef (it’s my fave!) with a pinch of salt which you body likes and needs, it’s a good mineral. If I have a lemon already cut I’ll add a squeeze, but I’m not trying to exude too much effort; I just woke up! I use to start with coffee as the first thing I drank in the morning, but I clued in. Our bodies have fasted without food and water for 8 hours while we were sleeping. So I  start with water to hydrate and to rev up digestion. Coffee is probably the worst because it’s so dehydrating.
  • I get back in bed and meditate. I know it’s not proper meditation form, but I like to make things my own, laying down feels good, so I get comfy. I love meditating in the morning. I use the app Insight Timer and there are tens of thousands of options and you can break is out by category or amount of time. It rocks!
  • I listen to a podcast while I get ready and get motivated or laugh. There are so many that I love so this is a perfect time to squeeze in listening and I can get to all my faves.
  • I head downstairs and make sure I’ve packed up my supplements I want for the day and grab breakfast and of course coffee on the road. I live for cold brew and very specifically Chameleon Cold Brew. It’s bad; if I run out I’m definitely making a special stop to Whole Foods for it or my morning just feels off.


  • We like to be in bed pretty early. It’s normal we’re in bed by 9:30. Which I enjoy now so that I have enough time to unwind.
  • CBD oil! I didn’t know how much I would love my CBD oil. I thought okay there is no way an oil can destress you like that! But it does, woohoo! I put a few drops under my tongue at night and it’s quite nice. I got mine in San Francisco, it does have an 18:1 THC. So, try to get yourself to California.
  • Palo Santo spray! I just started using this more at night; before I was cleansing more during the day. It’s an energy clearing mist. I like it because no matter what happened throughout my day I can go to sleep and start over again cleansed and fresh.
  • I got an essential oil diffuser for my night stand and I love it. I use lavender and its dreamy.
  • I meditate again. I really like using headphones so I can more so take myself out of my body. I like hearing what my higher self or my angels really want me to know. 🙂
  • Reading. This really helps me shift off. I am a book hoe. I have to have them all! Then I feel guilty when they don’t get to read fast enough, so this is my favorite time to read.
  • If I had a day, a day! You know what I’m talking about. I watch either Friends, The Office, or Parks and Rec. Always just those three, humor only. And I let myself watch two episodes and I’m done. I keep it light and these kinds of days its all I need.
  • Some nights I turn on ocean wave sounds on Insight Timer and help myself drift off to sleep.

Things I want to add:

  • Journaling- right now I journal at random times and I feel like it should be more concrete.
  • Rolling out- As a big Goop follower I am here for the rolling workouts. I read if you add 10 minutes a day you can roll away fat and bloat.

I am dying to know what your rituals are. I need them all! I love a good ritual.

xx, Kalain

Tried and Tested: Gluten-Free Beers

Tried and Tested: Gluten-Free Beers

With Memorial weekend coming up and pool season/lake season/beach season I figured now is the perfect time to try and find a gluten-free beer. Some hot days a beer just sounds good, and it may be too early for a cocktail and it is a commitment to keep wine and champs cool in the heat. But, I’m also not trying to walk around with bloated gluten belly. So this is the place where gut health and fun can live!

I coerced my fiance and family to help with the taste test and we all have experienced pallets, so we are incredibly trustworthy for this task.

To make this as realistic as possible I didn’t go around to different spots and collect beers I saw, because how would that be helpful? No one shops that way. I picked one spot, Central Market. They had a pretty good selection, comparable to Whole Foods. I also called Specs and the guy on the phone said they have a decent selection. I’ll go there next time and let you all know, because that is how dedicated and giving I really am.

Okay below are the five beers with tried (I didn’t do any ciders to stay in the beer taste family) and our commentary with the clear winner to follow.


Number 1: Omission Brewing Co. Lager

This was the closest to drinking like a Michelob Ultra, but with more taste.

Here’s everyone’s notes: light/easy drinking/citrus, refreshing, yummy, tastes like a Blue Moon, light/crisp, light and citrus.

All in all, everyone was into it!

Number 2: New Belgium Glutiny Pale Ale

The Glutiny had a masculine profile, hoppy.

Notes: hop till ya drop, spicier/bitter/feels heavy, sharp on the tongue, bitter, cool/hoppy.

Not the best, not the worst.

Number 3: Discovery Draft Mead

So, technically we learned this is a mead, which is a honey wine. The can was quite deceiving or maybe I should have known what mead was? So, this is not beer and all the notes prove it was not a fav. We have 3 cans left over if anyone is interested!

Notes: kill me, terri-bull, watered down juice, bad-real bad, shit!, Welch’s white grape juice.

Obvious crowd favorite.

Number 4: Omission IPA

The crew overall felt mixed about this one. I could have given them pool water and they would have liked it better than number 3!

Notes: drinkable/hoppy/fun tatse, hoppy, okay/could drink half, light and hoppy, hopp-scotch, hoppy but drinkable.

Number 5: Damm Daura

This beer is from Barcelona and their logo actually comes from the breakage
of the molecular chain of gluten, cute!

Notes: easy/little hop/smooth drinking, yummy/light, not a fan, like it not love it, good/could drink at the pool.

The winner: Omission Lager- by a land slide. Omission might be the easiest one to find too; they have a pretty well known name in the gluten-free beer space. They have four different styles: lager, ultimate light (my next try), IPA, and a pale ale.

So, there you have it! Protect your gut and have a beer! What will they think of next?





New Moon Rituals

New Moon Rituals

Do you hear the word astrology and automatically think back to horoscopes in Teen Vogue and remember how you applied it to you and a guy you liked; oh the good old days.

I started getting into the real side of astrology when I started Material Girl, Mystical World by Ruby Warrington (I definitely recommend) and I was fascinated because here you have all of this intel from the planets and moon to help you with your current or upcoming energy and flow. You’re probably thinking this is a little too woo woo for me. A true story: last mercury retrograde I read that I should do more listening and focus on hearing others; I didn’t listen, flat out did the opposite and ended up in a tiff with my fiancé. Oops (sorry universe and Brian). It’s nice to have this information in your back pocket. And even nicer to use it!

So, with the new moon coming on May 15th a new moon ritual is a simple//noncommittal dip in the water. An aperitif on how planning with the planets can be very balancing.

Why the new moon?

The new moon represents new beginnings. This is the perfect time to make an intention/wish/vow/goal. It’s believed that as the new moon grows so will your intention. The new moon also has the energy of a fresh start; rid yourself of any negativity keeping you back.

This May new moon will be even more significant because Uranus will move from Aries into Taurus.

The New Moon in Taurus will be offering a very stable and rewarding energy that is going to help us maximize all that we have been working on throughout the year, particularly professionally. If you have been feeling lost in your career, or unsure of how to turn your passion into profits, this is going to be a great time to put plans into action. – Forever Conscious

Forever Conscious is an amazing source. You can try their intention practice or help it to inspire your own version: think about what your career path may look and feel like. Perhaps even consider writing down what you want your ideal day to feel like, and then work on bringing those feelings into your daily routine one by one. This simple exercise is likely to help you get things moving and will help you to shift your vibration.

Uranus to Taurus

This shift will give us new insights on security and stability. You might analyze the ways you seek comfort. Uranus being in Taurus could be about letting go of the security blanket and taking a bit of a risk, learning to trust yourself more. Uranus is all about freedom and change.

Here are a few things I’ll do leading up to the new moon:

  • Intention set in my journal and focus on career as well as other promises
  • Palo Santo our space for cleansing
  • Use pyrite– it’s the ultimate symbol of wealth and good luck and a great crystal to help your intentions
  • Create a daily mantra I can carry throughout this phase
  • Take a bath to cleanse for a new beginning

Happy New Moon!

xx, Kalain






New Goop Dallas Guide x DWD

New Goop Dallas Guide x DWD

I love Goop so much. I would more times than not follow everything they say to do #groupie. I’m sounding a little scientology-ish. But, In Gwyneth We Trust, right?

Okay as much as I love Goop, I have a few edits to their new Dallas guide. I know they’ll halt the press after reading this, but there’s a couple gems I’m going to help them with. Goop, you can call me any time!

Here are my notes (wellness stuff only- I didn’t cover Shop or Stay)!

Activities and Culture:

Well I’m not a big activities chick so this list looks nice and I learned about a few places I didn’t know about. DWD adds:

White Rock Lake- there’s a lot of nature (for Dallas standards). I’ve paddle boarded on the lake; you could picnic; the Arboretum has fun concerts.

Oak Cliff Nature Preserve Trail- I haven’t done this trail yet, but it’s on my list of outdoorsy things to do (gotta get that Vitamin D).


I definitely have some add ons! But, to be fair there’s a lot of restaurants to cover.

Highlights: Grange Hall, Gemma, Le Bilboquet, Orgin, Sachet, Shinsei

DWD add ons:

  • Neighborhood Sevices
  • Tei Tei
  • Masero
  • Jose
  • R&D/Hillstone/Honor Bar (I know this is not exclusive to Dallas, but it’s really good)
  • Montlake Cut
  • T Room
  • Mirador
  • Tribal- I almost don’t want to share the secret that is Tribal; it’s so good and refreshing to have in Dallas.


I didn’t really dig the drink list, but I’m also not hanging out in them like I once was (kids will change you!). DWD add ons: Javiers (good patio), The Mansion (good ambiance and live music), Lounge 31, Monkey Bar. I mostly go for places where I can hear and quality. This is probably a lot like a list my parents would make, but what are you going to do? If I’m going to be out with the potential for a little headache the next day I need to hear, I need to laugh, I need good conversation, and a good something in my glass. The true fundamentals of life lol.


Okay I have some good ones to add:

  • Brewed and Pressed- amazing wellness coffees, tonics, eats, and their own line of wellness powders and products, think He Shou Wu and Ashwagandha
  • The Greenway Shop- non-toxic beauty and wellness shop on Lovers, adorable
  • Bar and Garden- not your traditional spirit + wine store, everything they carry is free of artificial color, flavor and or preservative
  • Roots Pressed Juices- just all things healthy living
  • Juice Land- amazing smoothies with top add-ins
  • Burgundy’s Local- 100% grass-fed beef store
  • Ascension Coffee- I flock for their avocado toast

Beauty & Wellness:

This was good! I love PilatesBarre, I’m glad that was on there, I think it’s my new favorite Pilates studio. Here’s a few more:

  • Class Studios- spin and training classes. This space is beautiful and I love the owner, Jasmine. I highly recommend taking her classes. She was the instructor of the very first spin class I took!
  • Misaotra Beauty Sanctuary- heavenly holisitc facials and treatments, check out my post under Beauty
  • Balancing Energy- they have it all: yoga, guided meditation, IR sauna
  • Mohler Recovery- float therapy, cryo and ozone therapy. I went in for the ozone therapy and had the best experience. I sat in their massage chair first and then sweat it all out in the little ozone pod while I watched Netflix

Let me know what else I mistakenly forgot!
