New Moon Rituals

New Moon Rituals

Do you hear the word astrology and automatically think back to horoscopes in Teen Vogue and remember how you applied it to you and a guy you liked; oh the good old days.

I started getting into the real side of astrology when I started Material Girl, Mystical World by Ruby Warrington (I definitely recommend) and I was fascinated because here you have all of this intel from the planets and moon to help you with your current or upcoming energy and flow. You’re probably thinking this is a little too woo woo for me. A true story: last mercury retrograde I read that I should do more listening and focus on hearing others; I didn’t listen, flat out did the opposite and ended up in a tiff with my fiancé. Oops (sorry universe and Brian). It’s nice to have this information in your back pocket. And even nicer to use it!

So, with the new moon coming on May 15th a new moon ritual is a simple//noncommittal dip in the water. An aperitif on how planning with the planets can be very balancing.

Why the new moon?

The new moon represents new beginnings. This is the perfect time to make an intention/wish/vow/goal. It’s believed that as the new moon grows so will your intention. The new moon also has the energy of a fresh start; rid yourself of any negativity keeping you back.

This May new moon will be even more significant because Uranus will move from Aries into Taurus.

The New Moon in Taurus will be offering a very stable and rewarding energy that is going to help us maximize all that we have been working on throughout the year, particularly professionally. If you have been feeling lost in your career, or unsure of how to turn your passion into profits, this is going to be a great time to put plans into action. – Forever Conscious

Forever Conscious is an amazing source. You can try their intention practice or help it to inspire your own version: think about what your career path may look and feel like. Perhaps even consider writing down what you want your ideal day to feel like, and then work on bringing those feelings into your daily routine one by one. This simple exercise is likely to help you get things moving and will help you to shift your vibration.

Uranus to Taurus

This shift will give us new insights on security and stability. You might analyze the ways you seek comfort. Uranus being in Taurus could be about letting go of the security blanket and taking a bit of a risk, learning to trust yourself more. Uranus is all about freedom and change.

Here are a few things I’ll do leading up to the new moon:

  • Intention set in my journal and focus on career as well as other promises
  • Palo Santo our space for cleansing
  • Use pyrite– it’s the ultimate symbol of wealth and good luck and a great crystal to help your intentions
  • Create a daily mantra I can carry throughout this phase
  • Take a bath to cleanse for a new beginning

Happy New Moon!

xx, Kalain