Interview Series: Lizzie Somabut

We met at Royal Blue Grocery after it took us several polite rounds of back and forth deciding where to meet. This wasn’t out first meeting; Lizzie and I went to high school together. But, I was determined to make this as easy for her as I could. Not many people are rearranging their schedules for interviewers with 400 followers (anyone else a fan of self-deprecating humor?).

Lizzie is pioneering the wellness coaching world in Dallas. She has a masters in counseling and has since discovered her calling is coaching. She wants us to focus on the present and help create plans to live the life we want.

We discuss self-care, putting your damn phone down (guilty), monthly intentions, anxiety, books, recipes, and so much more. Enjoy!

Drunk Girls in the Bathroom Questions
Top 3 superficial self-care practices: baths, massages, manicures

Morning drink: dirty chai, celery juice, add-ins like
Spirulina and all things Sun Potion
Fave Dallas restaurants: Eatzis, Pok, La Duni (the salad trio)
Where can we find you working out: Soul Cycle, Session, VIVE, or Class Studios
Dream vacation: Lizzie and her boyfriend are taking a gap year and traveling, the world
Guilty pleasure: dessert
Wellness trends you love and trends you are ready to say goodbye to: Love/limited screen time (no screen 30 minutes after waking up & there’s a new alert you can set on iPhones that will send an alert when you’ve been on for a certain amount of time- genius!) Goodbye/all the face masks

Favorite books? Women Code by Alisa Vitti, all about hormones, practical information even for gals on birth control & The Medical Medium & Keto-Tarian by Will Cole is up next.

Recipe blog go to? The Defined Dish and Rachel Mansfield.

Best Instas to follow? Lee From America, Rachael Good Eats, and Lil Sipper.

How do you calm anxiety? Essential oils (lavender), walking/moving, talking about it with certain people.

Supplements: magnesium, b vitamin, probiotic, ashwagandha.

Combat workout burnout? Stop working out! Let your body rest. Research cycle syncing for time of the month vs intensity of the workout you should do.

Intuitive eating? Be mindful when eating, chew fully, don’t eat in front of the TV, eating until full. Listen to an episode on the Food Psych podcast on intuitive eating.

Fave podcasts? The Influencer Podcast, Food Psych, and The Medical Medium.

How do we remedy burnout in the workplace? Accept that your feelings are not going to go away and this doesn’t associate with failure. Instead bring self-care into your work day: lunch break outside, plan your tomorrow in the last 30 minutes of your day, listen to a fun playlist.

How do we start being real with ourselves and and doing the hard work? Self-awareness, figure out exactly what you need to resolve. Put your phone down so you can reflect and make a plan.

What is self-compassion? Accepting and forgiving yourself. Take away the blame you are putting on yourself. Read/ Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself By Kristin Neff

Why set monthly intentions? Give yourself 30 days to keep focus and see what you can accomplish. Ask yourself what do I want to solve or remedy? What can I fix?

When social media and the comparison game become too much? Remember your purpose and what your calling is. What else do you have to focus on? Remember that “comparison is the theft of joy.”

I’m so appreciative to Lizzie for meeting up with me! I loved hearing her take on the wellness world and especially self-care. You can connect with her on Instgram @lizziesomabut and check out her coaching packages on her website

xx, Kalain

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